So, you just finished building your keyboard and you come to find out that you've got a tick in your stabilizers... 🤬🤬🤬 The tick could come from many different things, but most times, it's either under-lubed or imbalanced stabilizer wires:

How can something that looks so good sound so bad? 🙉

How can something that looks so good sound so bad? 🙉

Now, you'll need a few things to get the wire as perfectly straight as possible:


Sometimes, pulling the stabilizers off to work on them requires removing the switches from the PCB (which is an easier task with a hot-swap PCB, but could be a PITA with a solder PCB), but other times you luck out and the PCB and plate manufacturer give you the ability to service them while leaving the switches in place (at least with this spacebar stabilizer on the Mode Envoy).


After removing the offending stabilizers, you will want to disassemble them and clean them fully.


Next, we will want to check to see how straight and true the wires are by laying them flat on your reflective surface and point a light behind it. Any light bleeding through will show you where wire is bent or twisted.